Thursday, January 9, 2020
Handling Conflict And The Conflict Resolution - 1254 Words
Handling Conflict Norma Valdez-Rosa South University Online Handling Conflict Introduction Conflict cannot be eliminated from the workplace therefore learning appropriate conflict-handling skills is important. It is imperative nurses learn how to effectively handle conflict in the work environment (Morrison, 2008). According to the Conflict Resolution Questionnaire Analysis, my style of conflict resolution is Collaborating. I believe that working together will get better results than working alone, a win/win situation. I can express assertiveness, cooperation and welcome differences of opinions. I will listen to the opinion of others and will give you mine as well. Change Theories There are numerous change theories that nurse leaders can use to help make a change. According to our textbook, one of the most useful theories is Lewin’s change theory. This theory of change is described in three stages, (a) Unfreezing, (b) Moving, and (c) Refreezing (Grossman Valiga, 2012). First, in the unfreezing stage, a problem is identified, analyzed and the start for change begins. Second, in the moving stage, this is where you make the change; new policies are developed and implemented. Last, in the refreezing stage, the change has been made and this is the new way of doing things now. Lewin’s change theory also mentions the driving forces, restraining forces and equilibrium, in order for organizations to remain in balance. An example of Lewin’sShow MoreRelatedHandling Conflicts1020 Words  | 5 PagesConflict Handling Styles Josephus J. Ellie (2012) Generally speaking, conflicts are relevant to any human existence. What is worthy of note is how these conflicts, when they occur, are managed or handled, because they would mean so much for the success or failure of the organization. For example, if an organization is to achieve its objective, it must be willing and able to handle conflicts in a functional manner. Organizational conflicts are the discords that arise when the goals, interestRead MoreThe Change Theory Of Nurses Leaders Can Help Make A Change1247 Words  | 5 PagesHandling Conflict Introduction Conflict cannot be eliminated from the workplace therefore learning appropriate conflict-handling skills is important. It is imperative nurses learn how to effectively handle conflict in the work environment (Morrison, 2008). According to the Conflict Resolution Questionnaire Analysis, my style of conflict resolution is Collaborating. I believe that working together will get better results than working alone, a win/win situation. I can express assertiveness, cooperationRead MoreCommunication, Conflict, And Conflict1453 Words  | 6 Pages Communication and Conflict Margarita Vela COM325: Communication Conflict Instructor: Kenneth Newton March 10, 2015 Communication and Conflict Conflict is a contest or struggle between individuals with opposing values, beliefs, needs, goals, and ideas. 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Conflict can be caused by imbalance of power and communication barriers that arise from the social structure or individual interpersonal’ perceptions, assumptions and expectations. The interpersonal conflict has a huge impact on the individual himself and extends to the workplace. The Human Resources (HR) role comes in light to attempt to help in the conflict resolution process. Human resourcesRead MoreManaging Conflict Essay example1527 Words  | 7 Pagesresolve a conflict. People do experience conflict in their lives. There has always been a lot of interest in how to manage conflict once it appears in the open, and that is important. What is not so common is a concern for preventing unnecessary conflict, so it does not start in the first place. Managers are capable of using all five resolutions skills to deal with conflict in the workplace. Organizations of all types need good managers in order to survive when dealing with conflicts that
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