Monday, November 11, 2019
Virgin Coconut Oil
Pilipog * The pilipog dwarf coconut is originally from the Philippines. Distinguishing features include female flowers, pink parts including the base of shoots, tips of roots and just germinated seedlings and round, green nuts. Read more: Types of Dwarf Coconuts | eHow. com http://www. ehow. com/info_8588814_types-dwarf-coconuts. html#ixzz2BPahLEvi Catigan * The catigan dwarf coconut is originally from the Philippines. Distinguishing features include medium-sized nuts, thick husk, long bunch rachis, round shape with a prominent stigmatic tip and green young nuts and petioles.Read more: Types of Dwarf Coconuts | eHow. com http://www. ehow. com/info_8588814_types-dwarf-coconuts. html#ixzz2BPamAIZK Mangipod Green * The mangipod green dwarf coconut is originally from the Philippines. Distinguishing features include strict dwarfism, high self-pollinating and retention of many ripe nuts at the crown due to the nuts drying while on the tree Read more: Types of Dwarf Coconuts | eHow. com http://www. ehow. com/info_8588814_types-dwarf-coconuts. html#ixzz2BPaqvpxp Refined * The main difference between virgin coconut oil and regular, organic coconut oil is the amount of refining the oil undergoes.Refined coconut oil means the oil has undergone a process of drying the coconut. This type of coconut oil may sometimes be called deodorized or bleached according to Live the Organic Life. This is usually done outside in the Sun. Generally, refined coconut oil is thought of as being of a lesser quality. Unrefined * Unrefined coconut oil may also be called virgin coconut oil. The type of method used to extract the oil from the coconut is done in the most natural way. This way, the coconut oil stays in its natural form without the use of any artificial filtering which is sometimes used in the process of refined coconut oil.No chemicals are used in the process of extracting coconut oil using this method. * Sponsored Links * Flour Mills Manufacturer Single flour mil l,small flour mill and complete set of flour mill. www. FlourMillMachine. com Smell and Taste * Virgin coconut oil maintains a sweet smell and taste of the coconut, whereas refined coconut oil will lose much of the flavor and smell. An easy way to know if coconut oil is unrefined is to hold a bit of it in the palm of your hand. Unrefined coconut oil should easily melt in the palm of your hand due to your body's temperature.Refined coconut oil will usually stay fairly solid without melting. Copra * Copra refers to the dried kernel or meat of the coconut. Refined coconut oil uses copras. Coconut oil made of copra is generally thick in consistency  notably thicker than virgin coconut oil. Oil made of copra is too thick to use as a moisturizer for the skin or a conditioner for the hair because it will sit on the skin without being absorbed. This can clog the pores and actually do more harm to the skin than help. Read more: Differences Between Organic Coconut Oil & Extra Virgi n Organic Coconut Oil | eHow. om http://www. ehow. com/info_8283628_differences-virgin-organic-coconut-oil. html#ixzz2BPf8AlVu â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Description VCO is a pale yellow to colorless oil with a distinct taste and scent. [1] According to the standards set by the Bureau of Product Standards of the Philippine Department of Trade and Industry in PNS/BAFPS 22:2004 with Amendment 1:2005, virgin coconut oil must be colorless, sediment free with natural fresh coconut scent and free from rancid odor or taste. It should not contain food additives and must have a maximum of . 0% moisture and volatile content to prevent rancidity. [2] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Background Natural coconut oil has long been used in the Philippines, since the raw material s are easy to obtain and the oil is easy to manufacture. Coconut milk, from which VCO is obtained, is a staple ingredient in most, as well as the coconut oil itself. Coconut milk and natural coconut oil are also used as hair conditioner and skin oil. When research showed the beneficial effects of natural coconut oil, the Philippines initiated market access for what is now called Virgin Coconut Oil.According to the Philippine Department of Science and Technology, it was Mt. Banahaw Tropical Traditions that first entered the U. S. market in 2000 with an initial export of 800 kilos of VCO, which increased to 19 metric tons in 2002. In 2005, there were about 200 VCO producers with an approximate production capacity of around 250 to 300 metric tons per month. Aside from the VCO used as food supplement, VCO is now also used in other products such as coconut butter or cream, massage oil, shampoos and lotions. [3] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â €Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Production Process ere are three methods used in manufacturing virgin coconut oil. * Drying. Fresh coconut meat is quick-dried over low heat to produce the oil. * Wet-milling. Fresh coconut meat is squeezed to produce coconut milk. The oil is then separated from the water and other components of coconut milk through various methods such as boiling, fermentation, refrigeration, use of enzymes, and use of mechanical centrifuge. * Fermentation. This is the traditional method. Coconut milk extracted from fresh coconut meat is fermented for 1 to 3 days for the oil to separate from the water and other components of the milk.The oil is then slightly heated to reduce moisture content and filtered. [1] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Significance Virgin coconut oil contains lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid, which once dige sted is converted into monolaurin. Lauric acid is also found in human breast milk, and provides immune building properties to protect an infant from infections and diseases. Monolaurin destroys lipid-coated viruses, various pathogenic bacteria, and protozoa. [4] A study done by Conrado S.Dayrit on HIV-infected patients at San Lazaro General Hospital, Manila showed that virgin coconut oil has an anti-viral effect and can reduce the viral load of HIV-infected patients. [5]Research done by Mary Enig concludes that contrary to established belief, having virgin coconut oil in the diet helps to prevent hardening of the arteries and heart disease more than other vegetable oils. [6] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- References 1. ^ 1. 0 1. 1 1. 2 Virgin Coconut Oil website. (accessed November 16, 2007). 2.  Department of Trade and Industry website. News article on Virgin Coconut Oil Standards (accessed November 16, 2007). 3. ^ Philippine Council for Industry and Energy Research and Development (PCIERD) – Department of Science and Technology (DOST) website. News article on Virgin Coconut Oil (accessed November 16, 2007). 4. ^ Virgin Coconut Oil website. (accessed November 16, 2007). 5. ^ Coconut Oil in Health and Disease: Its and Monolaurin’s Potential as Cure for HIV-AIDS. Study done by Dr. Conrado S. Dayrit (accessed November 16, 2007). 6.  The Effects of Coconut Oil on Serum Cholesterol Levels and HDLs Report 14, Keep Hope Alive by Mary Enig, on the Emerging Worlds of Progressive Medicine website (accessed November 16, 2007). 1. Why is Virgin Coconut Oil healthy? Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) contains no cholesterol. It is high in lauric acid, the main nutrient found in mothers? breast milk that is known to strengthen human immune system. It is made up mostly of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) making it easier to di gest and absorb by the body. VCO also naturally contains vitamin E, a well-known anti-oxidant that protects our cells from damage.  | 2. How is VCO different from other coconut oils? VCO is made from fresh coconut meat (non-copra). It is extracted through cold process and no chemicals were added in the process. On the other hand, commercial grade coconut oils are made from copra (sun-dried coconuts) and undergo refining, bleaching and deodorizing (RBD), which make the nutrients and natural taste disappear, and may contain harmful chemicals. |  | 3. How does Nutrizen Extra Virgin Coconut Oil differ from other VCO? Nutrizen Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (EVCO) is extracted through an â€Å"absolutely no heat†mechanical process.It does not undergo fermentation where coconut milk is left for 12-24 hours to let oil and water separate. Nutrizen EVCO is extracted and packed within a few hours from the time the coconuts were picked, making it fresh with no rancid smell and taste. | Coconut Oil Extraction Methods By Jane Peterson, eHow Contributor Read more: Coconut Oil Extraction Methods | eHow. com http://www. ehow. com/about_5417900_coconut-oil-extraction-methods. html#ixzz2BPlTbA00 Coconut oil extraction can be done through traditional methods or with help from modern machinery.Pressure, heat and motion are forces that are often used to separate the coconut oil from the white coconut meat. Depending on the type of extraction method used, the coconut oil extracted may be completely pure, or it may require additional refining processes. Aqueous Processing * Using water to extract coconut oil is also known as aqueous processing. The first step of this method is to separate the flesh from the shell of the coconut. Next, the coconut meat is boiled in water. As the coconut meat cooks and softens, oils escape from the meat and are separated from the water; the coconut oil is skimmed from the surface and collected.Ram Press * The ram press literally presses the coconut oil from the coconut using blunt force. This type of press utilizes a heavy piston and metal tube that is able to filter out the coconut oil; once the coconut meat is loaded into a metal tube, a hydraulic jack is used to power the press into the meat and the oil is squeezed out from the tube and collected. Ram press coconut oil extraction helps to preserve the coconut oil in its raw state and does not require further refining methods. * Sponsored Links * Yifan – Mobile Crusher Specialized in Mobile Crusher, Export to 50 Countries.Contact Us! www. yfcrusher. com Mechanical Centrifuge * A mechanical centrifuge can be used to obtain virgin coconut oil, which is considered to be one of the purest forms. During this process, coconut meat is emptied into a machine which chops the meat into tiny pieces. These little pieces are placed into a light screw press and the milk is extracted from the meat; then, the remaining coconut is placed in a high speed mechanical centrifu ge which rapidly spins the coconut. Through the spinning process, the oil is separated from the meat and collected.Mechanical centrifuge coconut oil retains a strong coconut taste and smell and requires no refining processes. Ghani Extraction * Ghani coconut oil extraction is a traditional method that uses a giant pestle and mortar system to crush the coconut meat. Today, mechanized Ghani extraction systems are available, although traditional Ghani presses powered by donkeys or horses are still in use. While Ghani oil extraction results in a pure form of coconut oil, it is labor intensive and collects less oil than methods mentioned above. Expeller Method An expeller coconut extraction method uses a mechanized cylindrical barrel to create a pulverized version of coconut meat known as coconut cake. Heated coconut is placed into the barrel where a rotating metal rod is used to crush the coconut. This process helps to breakdown the constituents of the meat to prepare the meat for oil e xtraction. The last step in the processes uses a chemical solvent, hexane, to separate the coconut cake from the coconut oil. Refining is often necessary to cleanse the extract from the oil. Read more: Coconut Oil Extraction Methods | eHow. com http://www. ehow. om/about_5417900_coconut-oil-extraction-methods. html#ixzz2BPlgucUh â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- TYPES OF COCONUT OIL Coconut oil has been widely used in Asian and Pacific countries throughout history. The oil is extracted from the coconut and used in soap, cosmetics and cooking. According to the Coconut Research Center, coconut oil was also used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of health problems due to its anti-microbial properties. However, when it comes to coconut oils, not all are created equal. There are different types that have different uses and benefits. Virgin Coconut OilAccording to the Coconut Dev elopment Board of India, virgin coconut oil is extracted from fresh coconut meat. During this process, no high temperatures or chemicals are used, allowing this variety of coconut oil to maintain many of its natural health properties. The fat contained in this type of oil is about 50% lauric acids. Lauric acid is converted to monolaurin in the body, which is considered an anti-microbial substance leading to improved immunity. In addition, virgin coconut oil is made up of medium-chain fatty acids, which are believed to be metabolized more efficiently than other fatty acids.This leads to claims that coconut oil can assist with weight loss, which are supported by scientific findings, including an article published in the journal Life Sciences showing that an increased energy expenditure after eating medium-chain fatty acids could promote weight loss. Sponsored Links Soap making machineJiujiang Yixin produce all kinds of soap making machinewww. jx-yixin. com/en Refined Coconut Oil Re fined coconut oil is extracted from the copra, or dried coconut kernel. According to the World's Healthiest Foods (WHFoods), a non-profit, research-based health organization, refined coconut oil undergoes rocessing, bleaching and deodorizing. It is often referred to as â€Å"RBD Coconut Oil†to stand for â€Å"refined, bleached and deodorized. †This type of coconut oil is often used in cooking because it has a desirable smoke point of about 450 degrees Fahrenheit. However, the processing used to make this type of oil can disrupt the favorable fatty-acid balance, which is often associated with the health benefit of coconut oil. Organic Coconut Oil Organic coconut oil is named for the origins of the coconut the oil comes from.According to Organic Facts, a privately owned website with the goal of distributing unbiased information on organic foods, these coconuts should come from palm trees grown in organic manure. There should be no use of synthetic fertilizers or insect icides. Further, there should be no use of chemicals in the extraction of the oil. WHFoods states that choosing organic coconut oil leads to a stronger assurance of higher quality. However, Organic Facts concludes that it is very difficult to verify the validity of organic coconut oil to ensure that it is, in fact, organic.In addition, it is nearly impossible to tell the difference between organic and non-organic coconut oil in terms of flavor and odor. Organic coconut oil can also be found in the virgin form, which is highly regarded due to its being both virgin, meaning more natural, and grown under organic conditions. While extra virgin coconut oil is a term sometimes used, there is no set standard or recognition of the use of the term â€Å"extra virgin. †Sponsored Links http://www. livestrong. com/article/22890-types-coconut-oil/#ixzz2BPsloYRp The Coconut TreeIn many areas of the world, especially the tropical tourist type of places, the first thing that you see on any of the advertising media be it television, guide books of post cards are white sandy beaches and Coconut Trees! I am sure that most people reading this will probably say something like, Coconut trees, so what about them? The simple Coconut Tree is probably one of the most useful and versatile trees in the world as it is as near as can be 100% usable and many areas people rely on this tree for their survival and protection from the elements and other uses! Typical AdvertisementAs a kid in England, we saw the Coconut Fruit at the fair grounds or carnivals, they were small brown hard shelled nuts which were actually good for Copra, not really for eating but we did not know any better and ate it as it came. The thought that the nut actually grew within the protective confines of a Husk never came to light so you can imagine my surprise when I joined the Army, travelled overseas and saw Coconuts in their natural form! Being from Bradford, at first I did not believe it but when I saw one being opened then the reality of the situation took over and I then believed what I saw, bloody amazing I thought!Over the years I have traveled to many different countries and have seen millions of Coconut Trees but it was really here in the Philippines that I actually saw the many different uses and the different things that can be done with the different parts of the tree. Actual Beach Scene. The first thing that you see in many areas of the Philippines are piles of ready cut Coco Lumber which is used in all kinds of construction projects from the basic scaffolding, roofing, door frames etc. It is not really the best construction lumber as it has many problems attached to it.To get useful lumber from the tree it must be at least 60 years old, this gives it a good chance of giving good hard lumber. Before a tree can be cut down, someone has to climb the tree and remove all the Coconuts, if not, when the tree comes down all the Coconuts will be fired away like cannon balls in all d irections as the tree will whiplash before it hits the ground! To cut the lumber is not easy as there is no grain as you get on a normal tree just a fibre type of structure which gives all kinds of problems when cutting which makes the chain saw the preferred tool for cutting the lumber.In the same tree you will get both hard and soft wood, if the tree is cut before it is really mature, the soft parts of the tree will dry out like Balsa Wood which is pretty useless for any purpose with the exception of firewood and it burns so fast its really not much good for that! A Modern Dwarf Coconut Plantation. One English friend of mine ordered some Coco Lumber to construct a building but was very unhappy with what was delivered. He complained that the lumber was too soft and had water coming out of it and said it was reject and he would return it!I advised him to use it straight away while it was still fresh but he kept on complaining for another couple of months before he cooled do wn and decided to use it! His next complaint was that he could not drive a nail into it as it was too hard, in the end he had to pre drill every hole and use concrete nails to join the pieces together! A very sad part of this story is that the Coconut Trees as we know them are being chopped down by the millions for the building trade but unfortunately they are being replaced with new Dwarf Varieties which will produce Coconuts within 5 years but will never grow to the size to give any amount of lumber.The outer skin of the tree can be used for making fences as it is very tough and braves the elements very well. I used it when we had our Carinderia to clad the inside walls. Once varnished it looks very good and makes an unusual but pleasing to the eye type of finish. Harvesting. As the tree is growing we all know that coconuts are harvested, this is about every 3 to 4 months. The younger nuts are opened and the soft sweet meat, Buko is the local name, is eaten and the juice can be dr unk. The milk of the Coconut is really full of every good thing that the body needs to survive with the exception of potassium which you get from bananas!In the Second World War, many prisoners of war owe their lives to the healthy milk and meat of the Coconut! As a piece of usless information, did you know that more people are killed every year by falling Coconuts than are killed by Sharks! Beware or Ouch. Within the older nuts, the meat is thick and hard and is called Copra, this meat is first dried and then processed into all kinds of things, oil, soap, cosmetics and even fuel for vehicles! Without the Coconut many of the worlds female population might not be quite as good looking as the Coconut products do wonders for their skin!That’s not quite the end of the actual Coconut as the shell can be cooked and turned into a type of high quality charcoal while the husk can be processed and turned into very hard wearing door mats or as I remember once again from being a kid, the big and very course floor mats in the school gym! In some households the maids will use half of the coconut husk under one foot and will polish the floors to a high shine while dancing to music! This could be a good workout for some of you ladies out there! Tuba Collector with his collector. Pretty impressive for just a tree don’t you think but there is more!As the tree is still alive, local people the world over milk the sap from the tree and let it ferment into Tuba or Palm Wine as it is called in some countries. The problem with this harvest is that the men in the household get the younger members to do the daily harvest then the older men like to drink it! The wives, who want to sell the Coco Vinegar are prepared for this so usually allow the men to have one container to drink while they secretly squeeze calamansi juice into the rest causing the fermentation process to start immediately thus making the sap wine undrinkable!Ready to Harvest. Once the tree has been cut dow n, within the top portion is what they call Coconut Heart. This is a kind of vegetable I suppose but is very good to eat and is made into several dishes including spring rolls! The leaves of the tree are used for roofing material and is totally waterproof if maintained correctly. The Philippine name for this kind of roof is Local Zinc! Many people who visit the Philippines are truly amazed when they shelter under a Coco Nipa Roof and stay dry.There are probably more uses for the Coconut Tree which I have not discovered yet but I am sure that by now, the next time that you see a Coconut Tree you might think of this useful edition to any country in a different light! In Dubai for instance they have even built a new island in the shape of a Coconut tree! Weird. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Philippines: Researchers develop high-yield coconut varieties by making hybrids out of hybrids The Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) is succeeding n its 16-year search for ideal coconut varieties to replace aging and unproductive coconuts through a novel method, making synthetic varieties out of hybrids and ensuring higher yields through better coco juice, copra and other byproducts. Administrator Oscar Garin has been trying to implement a replanting system that would reduce substantially the tall varieties favored by Filipino farmers and replace them with hybrids that come from multiple ancestors, with most of the planting materials developed in the silty, clay loam of the 425-hectare San Roque PCA farm in Zamboanga City.Garin, who has been in the forefront of the battle against the invasive coconut pest Brontispa longissima, earlier slapped a moratorium on the cutting of coconut trees to preserve tree stands that had been saved from the pest and improve production. For nearly 70 years, the country dictated copra prices since the Philippines sold nearly 80 percent of its domes tic production of coconuts, scientifically known as Cocos nucifera L. PCA breeders at the Zamboanga Research Center (ZRC) are actually working to develop a unique farmers’ variety that would fit the tradition of planting seeds from any high ? ielding tree for successive cropping. Since the late 70s, PCA had been developing an open pollinated variety (OPV) through the hybridization of hybrids of six Tall coconut cultivars, with research intensifying in the last 16 years. Thus, they have developed a genetically multi-ancestored coconut variety that combines the agronomic qualities of the four local farmers’ traditional Tall varieties (Laguna, Bago Oshiro, Baybay and Tagnanan) and two foreign varieties (West African and Rennel. According to Garin, the results of this untried method of coconut breeding could provide the answer to the country’s persistent need for low input, high quality planting material. In effect, the PCA’s work is the pioneering geneticall y enhanced coconut variety that combines high yield precocity, vigor and durable genetic stability from generation to generation, said Ramon Rivera, head of ZRC’s breeding and genetics division. The synthetic variety, now known as PCA Syn Var001, Rivera, along with PCA breeders G. A. Santos, S.M. Rivera, E. Emanuel and G. B. Baylon, noted that to revive and develop the coconut industry, there was a need to use fertilizers to increase yield in old strands and accelerate replanting of â€Å"senile†and unproductive palms. The hybrids grow faster and are more precocious apart from producing higher and more stable yield of copra. However, they produce many small nuts and are threatened by short lifespans due to the influence of dwarf parent and could be unsuitable for the partiality of farmers to use seeds for a net crop.Using the seeds from hybrid varieties or simply planting second generation filial seeds was discouraged mainly due to its disastrous results technically, the second generation seeds were mixtures of all sorts of individuals resulting from combined effects of open pollination, cross pollination, self ? pollination and backcrossing that occurs during the time of pollination. In overcoming the problem, the PCA focused its breeding strategy on the farmers’ practice. The idea was to breed and select coconut planting materials with high and stable yield. It should also reproduce through open pollination.In their research, the PCA breeders found that coconut hybrids were good, but developing countries like the Philippines could hardly sustain their use. As they cited in their study, â€Å"the use of the synthetic variety offered prospects but it would take a long time before we can perfect this unconventional method. †Yet, they also quickly pointed out that this unconventional method of â€Å"making ‘hybrids out of hybrids’ could be the cheapest and sustainable answer to the persistent problem of supplying elite planting materials for the country’s planting and replanting program. Today, the propagation of the synthetic variety is being considered by the PCA as the ultimate strategy in the mass propagation of improved materials. (biolife news service) Philippines: Coconut seed farms eyed for synthetic variety The Department of Agriculture through the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) is eyeing the establishment of more coconut seed farms in strategic coconut-growing areas for its latest hybrid, the Orgullo Tall SV San Ramon Coconut Variety.Otherwise known as the synthetic coconut variety, this superior coconut breed developed by scientists at the Philippine Coconut Authority -Zamboanga Research Center is a high-yielding coconut variety recognized as the first in the world, said Ramon L. Rivera, head of the PCA-Zamboanga Research Center. Rivera presented the business prospects for technology transfer during an investor’s forum at the Nido Fortified Science Discovery Center at the SM Mall of Asia in Pasay City last week as part of the 5th National Biotechnology Week celebrations. Dubbed as OK ang Kabuhayan Sa Biotech! the forum aims to commercialize products of agricultural biotechnology through public-private partnership, said Department of Agriculture-Biotechnology Program Office (DA-BPO) outgoing director Alicia Ilaga. She said through technology transfer, the DA-PCA and her office aims to encourage investors to help put up coconut seed farms all over the country to meet the expected increase in the demand for coconut both here and abroad. â€Å"With the increasing demand for coconut because of the biofuels law, the prospects for putting up coconut seed farms are bright,†she said.According to Rivera, the product, the first in the country and recognized as the first in the world, has a yield potential of 7,730 to 20,540 nuts per hectare or equivalent to 3. 2 to 6. 7 tons of copra per hectare. He said the synthetic coconut variety produces 60 to 150 nuts per tree, a 50- to 260-percent more than the current average of 43. â€Å"Unlike the hybrid palms, second generation SV San Ramon nuts can be replanted and assured to bear fruits even more. This pioneering genetically enhanced coconut variety combines high yield precocity, vigor, and durable genetic stability from generation to generation.This characteristic of the SV San Ramon fits the farmers’ unique tradition of planting seeds from any high-yielding tree for successive cropping,†he said. According to the DFA-BPO, coconut production constitutes one of the four major sectors of Philippine agriculture, the others being rice, corn, and sugar. Coconut is planted in 3. 258 million hectares, which accounts for 27 percent of the total agricultural lands. About one-third of the Philippine population depends mainly on coconut production for its livelihood.Sixty-eight (68) of the 79 provinces in the country are in the coconut regions, producing an average of 14 bill ion nuts annually. In terms of export earnings, coconut is rated as an $800-million industry. These facts could only underscore the coconut industry to obviously be of crucial importance to the country, Rivera stressed. â€Å"A 50-hectare farm requires an estimated initial investment of P12 million. Financial projections showed that this investment could generate an IRR of 38 percent, with payback period of 10 years,†he said.Meanwhile, individual farmer-investors who would like to develop a one-hectare of Syn Var monocrop, needs an estimated amount of P65,000. This amount excludes the cost of lot for development. In a 25-year projected production period, an IRR of 30 percent and a payback period of 11 years could be achieved, he said. Orange Dwarf Coconut, is a beautiful yellow and orange colored variety of Coconut commonly grown in Konkan region of India. In Konkani, this variety is known asGendale. Many of my family members who own farmlands and ancestral fields take great pride in harvesting this variety of Coconut.I have vivid memories of sipping farm fresh coconut water drawn from freshly plucked Coconuts from my Grandfather's farmlands. In those days, Coconuts were an easily available commodity and paying for a bunch of them was certainly unheard of. The Orange Dwarf coconut tree grows to about 10-15 metres in height as opposed to conventional Coconut trees which shoot anywhere from 20 to 50 metres in height depending on the soil, climate and type of nutrition provided to the tree. When I was a child this variety was a common one.However now with less forest regions and dwindling green fields and farmlands this Coconut is becoming a very rare and precious variety. A chilled glass of this coconut water is by and far the best and tastiest one I've ever had. Many agro and horticulture based initiatives are currently being undertaken to propagate and multiply this rare and precious variety of Coconut. Difference between a brown coconut and a green co conut? There is only one coconut, produced by the coconut palm tree, which may come in green or red/orange colours.The difference in green or brown is simply differing stages of maturation. Green or young coconuts commonly have their tops sliced off, add a straw and presto you have a ready-made refreshing tropical drink! That is coconut water, which is very different from the coconut milk used in cooking. The meat is tender and translucent, which you can scrape out to eat after your drink or add it to fruit salads & canned mixed fruits for a tropical twist. Brown or mature coconuts are commonly sold with the already brown dried husk removed.The meat has become more firm and opaque white. I understand that some people produce coconut milk by mixing the meat with the coconut water eg. Hawaiians. In South East Asia, the brown shell with just a thin layer of meat left is ground up. The fresh ground coconut is placed in a muslin bag with 1 cup of water added, the bag is then squ eezed to produce thick coconut milk (equivalent to canned coconut cream); this is used in SE Asian desserts & added at the end of cooking curries for extra creaminess & coconut flavour.After the first squeezing, about 4 cups of water are added for the second squeezing to produce a thinner coconut milk that is more liquid. This can be added during the curry cooking process, for desserts, making coconut rice etc. Note that if you let coconut milk boil, it tends to separate and the resultant curry has a higher chance of turning rancid. And yes, you need to refrigerate coconut milk as it spoils fast.
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